Monday, December 26, 2011

Me beside a GrafWall

A friend of mine took these pics of me a couple nights back while going bar hopping one night in SoHo - in and out Alphabet City.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On the lighter side

 Pimp Santa

 Protest Santa
 Even Santas have to eat at Wendys.
There was a Santa Com a couple of weeks back and I couldn't take pictures of a gagle of Santas walking around 45 Street. All kind of Santas - trippy.

More Protesters

New Zuccotti Picks

This one says alot

Friday, December 16, 2011

Rich Man with a sign

Even the rich on 45th street have to protest. Although this guy wasn't protesting. He was making a video. He was making a statement.

Zuccotti Park

Thanks to OWS for pushing me into something that I love to do and having more photos of all that happened in Zuccotti  Park. Yup - I have more pics. I didn't just stop with my camera phone.